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Bliss can be defined as "supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment; heaven; paradise." I think that bliss is a wonderful adjective to describe my life. But I'd be kidding myself to think it was completely perfect...thus "imperfect bliss." You'll find there is no rhythm or organization to my posts...merely ramblings of my life as a mother of three. Feel free to join us on our journey. Life is a journey after all...


Good news.  Today I ordered Lightroom 3 from Adobe!!  You know...the photo editing software that I had been drooling about but didn't have enough money to buy.  (Ahem...$299.)  Fortunately it pays (literally) to have a kindergartner in the house.  Who woulda' thought??  But thanks to him, we qualify for the student and teacher edition.    That means we get to purchase the full version for $89!!  Thank you, Adobe!!   Since I am still in the process of getting the download registered, etc...I can't post pictures.  I mean...not that any of my pictures are edited...but...just sayin'.

So, until I can post new pics, I thought I'd post a quote from our Easter weekend.  I was out of the room when the conversation took place...but this is what I was told...

Brad, Jackson, and Sawyer were all in the t.v room at my parents' house...watching the boob tube.  A Toyota commercial came on and Sawyer exclaimed, "Hey?  We brought our Toyota here!"

"No," Brad said.  "We drove our Honda."

"No, Daddy!"  Sawyer insisted.  "We brought my Toyota!"

"No, Sawyer.  We brought our Honda.  We have two Hondas," Brad explained clearly.

"No, Daddy."  Sawyer explained even more clearly..."I brought my Toyota.  It's a toy.  It's a Yoda.  You know...my toy Yoda???"  And sure enough, yes.  We had brought Sawyer's toy Yoda.

I'll never watch another Toyota commercial the same way again.

(Disclaimer....love our "toy Yoda."  Buy yours at Target today!!)


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