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Bliss can be defined as "supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment; heaven; paradise." I think that bliss is a wonderful adjective to describe my life. But I'd be kidding myself to think it was completely perfect...thus "imperfect bliss." You'll find there is no rhythm or organization to my posts...merely ramblings of my life as a mother of three. Feel free to join us on our journey. Life is a journey after all...

Sneak Peak.

Last year after Halloween, I made a random trip to Target.  While I was there, I noticed their costumes were on clearance at 90% off.  Holy smokes!!  I started foraging through the disheveled costumes and managed to find an alien for Sawyer and a cave man for Jackson.  Both were around $4.  Score!!!  The boys were both happy with their new digs...and they've actually been wearing them around the house all year.

So....now I just needed to come up with a costume for Finley.  Using my mother-of-three wisdom, I was oh so smart and bought some pink, glow-in-the-dark skeleton pj's.  Perfect!!  Pajamas and a costume!!  Who's the smartest momma on the block??  I am.

I was happy with my decision...until I started seeing Halloween photos online.  Then I realized that one is such a great age for Halloween dress-up.  I mean...come on.  I'm going to miss out on Finley's very first costume because I am too cheap smart to spend money on something that she is going to wear for all of 2 hours of her entire life???  Puh-lease.

And so I googled...

I imagined something pink.  Girly.  Perhaps even frilly??  A cupcake?  No.  A butterfly??  Gag.  A pumpkin??  Overdone.  Maybe I should do something fluffy and soft?  Like this...
 Ahhh....Jackson's first costume.  Our little turtle.  Love!!
 Or maybe something more like this...our little stinker??  (Sawyer's first costume...and he continues to live up to the name...little stinker.)
And then the heavens opened...the angels sang...and I found the perfect costume.  Princess Leia.  Of course!!  Should I?  Reeaaaaallllllyyyyy???  Um...can I get a hell yeah??

The costume was only $14 online...with free shipping.  Now who could resist that??  I also found an Anakin Skywalker costume on clearance for $9 because they only had it in Jackson's size.  Now how often does that happen??

So....drum roll.....as I introduce Anakin Skywalker, Princess Leia, and...an alien from the cantina??

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!! 


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