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Bliss can be defined as "supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment; heaven; paradise." I think that bliss is a wonderful adjective to describe my life. But I'd be kidding myself to think it was completely perfect...thus "imperfect bliss." You'll find there is no rhythm or organization to my posts...merely ramblings of my life as a mother of three. Feel free to join us on our journey. Life is a journey after all...

Catching up...Part I.

Now that the kids are back in school...hopefully I can get this puppy updated!  

Towards the end of July we enjoyed a little trip to Chicago and Michigan.  People asked if we were going back to see all of our friends.  As much as we would have loved to...we were only there 2 days and went incognito.  We wanted the kids to enjoy being tourists and not getting all caught up in visiting people.  (Even though we miss you all and would have loved to see you!)  Jackson got a kick out of seeing where he grew up during his first two years of life.  He kept telling us how everything looked familiar...you know...because he's from Chicago.  (Just ask him...)

 I remember ten years ago sitting in this exact spot with Brad.  We envisioned an eternity of city life...having a boat...living it up.  Enter: the minis.  That's ok.  Reality is much better in my opinion.
 Michigan was a great change of pace from our two days in the city.  Yes...I miss Chicago...but not with three kids.  Anyway, in Michigan we just hung out on the beach, did a little shopping, and enjoyed the occasional Bloody Mary.  Traveling with three kids will drive anyone to drink.
 Beach baby.
 The only thing missing in this next picture is a surf board.  Soon...

It was a great few days of vacation.  It went too fast...just as life has been doing these days!


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